Saturday, 31 May 2014

Just a little bit more...

Thanks for all the comments on the last post, very much appreciated! I'll make it another quick post and show you a couple more projects that are bubbling away...

The Baneblade is the standard configuration, but I couldn't let the opportunity pass without another characterful tank commander! 

Keen to have Nork in my army (even if not to use him in games except apocalypse games), I only wanted a minor conversion so gave the skull speaker a hat swap because my commissars still wear pith helmets!

Sorry sadly a blurry! Unfortunately this commissar model hasn't had a lot of love from the wider community. I'll do my best to rectify that! 

Also I have question regarding the rules for bullgryns. Do they all have to have the same weapons? i.e. shield and maul or slab and grenade launcher. I see nothing in the rules that precludes you having a mixture in your squad and a mixture is what I went for! 2 slabshields to give me that 3+ save as I advance and then the power mauls to really smash things up! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

A little bit of what I've been working on...

Hey everyone, finally managed to get some hobby work done in the past few days. Some new highland guard conversions using the Scions are the current favourite project I'm working on.

Plenty of other irons in the fire and lots to post about in coming days and weeks, but I'll keep today's brief and let the photos do the talking...