Monday, 3 December 2012

Gaois Secondus Part 1 - Praetorian's on parade

Now that the photo crisis of December 2012 has been resolved I can get back to doing what (hopefully!) I do best, and post some photos of Praetorian Imperial Guardsmen!

To kick of the upcoming series of posts about the exploits of the Praetorians at the campaign weekend  here are a collection of what I can only imagine is the largest gathering of Praetorians for a very long time.

Commissar Dave joined me at the campaign weekend and on the evening of day one we put our forces together for a big army photo. Roughly 7000 points of Praetorian Imperial Guard. It was truly a sight to behold. The red and khaki complimented each other perfectly and it made a couple of staunch Praetorian players a little bit emotional to see so many of them!














One year ago when starting out with this blog I never thought I'd end up with an army like this, or be taking photos of it stood next to Dave's. Absolutely brilliant.

Check out the next post when there will be lots of action shots of both mine and Dave's Praetorians (including a doubles game with me and Dave combining forces!)


  1. Can't wait. I hope there'll be a little write up to go with them so we know what we're looking at too?

  2. I'll certainly be putting a few words down for the battles, fear not!

  3. Wow, what a force, so cool.
    Did you come across a reliantly loud Ex-Ausy by the name of Alistair? He had a Death Corps army with a 'Red Barron' style Thunderbolt. He was probably wearing a uniform of some description and yelling?

    Thanks for the photos- Awesome stuff.

    1. Hi Mate,

      Yes we did come across Alistair who was a strange bloke but nice and a good laugh. He did wear a uniform, but was not shouting all that much. He did have a very nice painted army, just need's to pay more attention to his bending swords. But I felt his Thunderbolt let his army down a little but his flying base for it was great.

      All in all great weekend, and the doubles was fun even though I did let the Praetorian side down a little. But I'm sure Col Winterbourne will tell you all about it.

  4. Absolutely stunning, and everything that (this part of!) the hobby's about.

    Well done you guys.

    Any news on a mass 'Big Toof'-style Praetorian get-together in the new year? Or has all that gone quiet?

    If it does ever happen I plan/hope to add a little something into the mix...

  5. We are still hopeful of organising something, though location has started to move South so its a bit easier for all of us as Nottingham isn't really convenient for any of us!

    Drax, you would be most welcome to add something!


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