A belated happy new year to everyone!
Been absolutely ages since my last post. Real life has spectacularly gotten in the way recently, but more than that I rediscovered a long lost love...
Blood Bowl!
Now I know this blog is all about my beloved Praetorians but please allow me this indulgence to share with you what I've been working on these past few months, my Dark Elf Blood Bowl team and the simply phenomenal Dragon Bowl League (DBL) that I have been participating in in London.
This all came about last August when I was invited to bring my Praetorian army down to the London Warhammer Gaming Guild (google it and come along to one of the meet ups if you've never heard of it! It's an absolutely fantastic group of people and very well run) for photos to feature in the post London 40K Grand Tournament newsletters. While at the club, a few members were engaging a warm up game of Blood Bowl for the upcoming Dragon Bowl 2016 season. I couldn't help but look down that rabbit hole... I was immediately hooked and desperate to take part.
First question was, what team to use. Historically when it comes to Warhammer I have always been a massive Dark Elf fan and had an army in one form or another in Warhammer, Man O War, Warmaster and of course Blood Bowl. I had the full second edition Blood Bowl team that came out (Naggaorth Nightmares) and Horton Heartripper but dont think I ever got more than a couple of games in with them way back when. Given that Druchii blood runs deep within my veins I had no choice but to resurrect a Dark Elf team to play in the DBL!

Here is a photo of the Clar Karond Cleavers, champions of the Western Wanderers conference and champions of the prestigious Magenta Fist!
This photo was taken just before they travelled to the DBL Grand Final day where they had a semi final showdown against the mighty Dwarven team MC Warhammerers.
If you want to see more of these guys please let me know! I have plenty more photos to share, and really enjoyed converting and painting these models.
Thanks for looking!