Monday, 5 January 2015

Bullgryn Update

Happy new year to everyone!

Here's the first of many many more posts this year. I've made a number of resolutions to myself this year and one of them is to get back to hobbying and blogging!

The bullgryns will be the first project of the new year and at the same time I'm going to review my blog and have a think about updating all the various parts of it.

To kick us off her is the latest WIP photo of the bullgryn. He is the test bullgryn so is currently being worked on solo, however when I then go on to paint the other 4 and Nork I will post tutorials for the other aspects of the model. In the last post I covered the armour and the trousers.

In the above picture you will see that the skin is now painted with the eyes simply shaded for the time being. The grey will eventually be white like the rest of the belts etc on the army and the rest of the model has been undercoated black. 

I've learnt a lot from this model already and know some mistakes I need to avoid when painting the rest of the squad. The armour makes painting some parts of the model an absolute nightmare as there is detail buried in the cracks. To avoid this on the future models I am going to consider having a second black undercoat in between the gas mask and the armour/neck so that at least no white shows through. 

Hopefully the next post will show this guy fully painted and then the posts that follow showing the steps on the rest of the squad. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Great skin tones! Good job keeping a similar tonal color throughout the model, but keeping each section unique!

    1. Cheers Greg, always the danger they will look to similar, but I'm pleased with how they have turned out different. ts a fusion of my tank and infantry painting so it should also tie in with the whole army perfectly.

  2. Agree with Greg - that skin is great.

    I'm still not taken the Bullgryns as a whole, much prefer the basic Ogryn sculpts from the same kit, but your painting on this chap really does make the Bullgryn look better than the studio offerings.

    1. Like the Taurox the more I look at them and paint them the more I like them! The studio guard are all a bit weird looking I don't think much of the colours they have used on any of them. The green isn't great and the blue is just a bit weird.

  3. I'd agree, I like yours better so far. Looking forward to seeing one finished. I still think that it's an awful lot of work though; probably the reason why my painting needs to come on a bit. I'd better get my finger out.

    1. Haha! I'll try not to keep you all waiting too long! I could add a lot more stages if I felt so inclined! Key with this guy is they are all surprisingly quick so far.

  4. Looks great, Colonel. I am really excited that you plan on posting more.

  5. Great looking model, really makes me want to get a unit of these bad boys myself



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