Thursday, 18 December 2014

Bullgryn WIP with painting steps

Hello everyone!

I am finally reunited with my paints and some of my models! Hurrah!

Some brave guardsmen and some bone 'eaded bullgryns traversed the wintery wasteland of the Terran continent Europa Majoris and have safely arrived at their new barracks. Their journey was inexplicably delayed for several weeks due to warps storms and they have been screened for heresy by the commisariat.

There is plenty finally for me to paint in my new home and so tonight I decided to get back to it and to get started on something a little different with the bullgryns.

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There are going to be a lot of photos following which show stage by stage the process on a couple of ogryn so words will be sparse until the end. I'll include the brush and paint details as I go however.

I gave the colour scheme some though and eventually settled on mixing my tank painting with my infantry painting. All the big armour was going to be painted in the same method as my tanks and the fatigues in the same colours as the infantry. A bold move. Would it work? lets find out...

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Stage 1 XV88

I used a nunber 2 windsor newton brush for this model unless otherwise specified. It's one of the larger brushes but keeps a great point. I'm not such a fan of smaller brushes.

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50/50 mix reikland fleshshade and nuln oil

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Paints just in case we forget what they look like...

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Drybrush of XV88 using the GW tank brush.

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Drybrush of Baylor brown using the GW tank brush

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Drybrush of Ushabti bone using the GW tank brush (wait does the tank brush still exist? Its essentially a very large drybrush).

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Washed once again with the 50/50 mix used earlier

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Cadian fleshtone (tallarn flesh's replacement though I'm not entirely sold on it). Don't worry I'm not painting him naked, I used the same base colour for the skin as the uniforms. I find it works well and makes my infantry that bit quicker and easier.

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It looks like I missed a stage. Apply reikland fleshshade to the model and then when dry apply a 50/50 cadian fleshtone, ushabti bone mix leaving the washed colour in the recesses.

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Now use ushabti bone to highlight.

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and finally add some white to the ushabti bone for the final highlight.

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There you go that's where we are up to for now. I'm pleased so far, when I start adding in the black and paint the flesh it'll really come together.

The plan will be to weather the armour just like my tanks too. All the belts etc will be white like my infantry and there will be some red somewhere as its another of my colours for the army.

Word of advice if you decide to paint up some bulglryns, their poses are a pain for painting as it leaves lots of almost impossible bits to reach, particularly with the armour as it clips on like a shell over the usual torso. Try and paint it off if possible but it would mean having the model armless too due to the way it is constructed.

I hope this was both useful and interesting. If you would like me to post the next part in the same manner please do let me know. It'll likely be two weeks before that will happen due to Christmas and the fact I will once again be in a different country to my hobby stuff... Bah humbug.

If I don't post again before, Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. YES! Please DO post the second part as it's fun watching how you do this.

  2. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Really dig how those are coming along - definitely looking forward to seeing the next steps!

    1. Thanks! It's great to paint something slightly different. The fellas have stowed away in my suitcase and are back with me in the UK now so I will try to get some painting done in between Turkey over Christmas!

  3. Excellent stuff; looks like an awful lot of stages, though.

    1. Don't forget it's 2 guys front and back photos!

      I think the armour is 6 quick stages and the trousers 5.

  4. '6 quick stages?' Ha! I don't think I've eer painted anything wih more than 3 stages...and that would've taken me a month!

    It all looks bloomin' greatt though!


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