Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Praetorian IV Mechanised Infantry whole army photos

Greetings everyone

This post has been a long time in coming. My last photo of the whole army is woefully out of date so I think it is high time I took a new one. I've also finally taken lots of new individual photos of various units which will be featuring in future posts.

Whenever I check other people's blogs one of my favourite things is always the photos of their whole army. For me, seeing a beautifully painted army is really what this hobby is all about!

So without further ado here is the glorious Praetorian IV Mechanised infantry.

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Here we have all the fully painted elements of the army. It's been a while since I've played a game. In fact a long while, they've never taken to the field as astra militarium! If I had to make a guess on the points value of the army I'd think it would be about 4000pts.

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A few closer photos that were taken while setting the army up. I'm still getting the hang of this photo taking business. It's a skill that I need to master!

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Here we have the entire IV Mechanised, including the unpainted reinforcements. This will give you an idea of quite how much of a mammoth painting challenge lies ahead! We have the bane blade, wyvern, a couple of infantry platoons, highland guard, bullgryns...

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If I get any more guard I'm going to need to get a bigger table...

In the next post I will take you through some (i hope they are) high definition close ups of some units which will hopefully be able to properly convey the details on the models and my painting. Its one of my frequent comments from followers I meet in the flesh 'they look much better in the flesh'!

Thanks for having a look!


  1. Excellent army there.

    Some more painting for me and I'll call another muster. Luckily our new dining table extends and I may see about covering it with a new gaming mat. I bought one of the Deadzone ones and its quite good. I may even look into getting a super heavy.

    1. Yes to all of that! The gaming may sounds good, as does the super heavy. Only question is... Which super heavy?!

    2. I was always tempted by the Gorgon but now you have the Crassus, Dracosan as well as the GW plastics. I do rebel against the silly price increase on the Baneblade box though. That'll teach me to procrastinate.

  2. Superb army. I definitely recommend getting a bigger table as you can never have too many Guard!
    Keep up the great work.

  3. So much good stuff!

    Glad to see it all together like this - thanks!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous, man! Nothing like seeing a mess of guardsmen ranked up - awesome looking army!

  5. Very Impressive. I love painted armies, and armies that size are just gorgeous when their all done up. How many points do you reckon you have there?

    Not sure if your married, but if if so, what ever you do don't use this "If I get any more guard I'm going to need to get a bigger table..." as an argument for getting a bigger table with the wife.

    1. Lol Argos! If I said that my wife would get me new models just so she could go furniture shopping!

    2. Humm. I have the sinking feeling that if I tried that you'd never hear from me again...

  6. Stunning! Pulling all the models out for a big army shot is still something that I haven't got around to yet! I love your army and have really enjoyed watching it grow. Well done on keeping the scheme consistent with the new additions too.

  7. Fantastic army. I love the full army shots, they really show you how the person thought the scheme through, and executed it.

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone! Pleased you are enjoying the post.

    The army sure has grown over the years, I'll have to do a walk down memory lane and show all the whole army posts to show how much it has changed since I started this blog 3/4 years ago or so

    1. All excellent stuff; as you say, nothing quite like a 'whole army' shot.

      I'll have to think about doing a few more this year.

  9. Wonderful. You sure have an amazing group of Praetorians.


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