Monday, 9 February 2015

WIP Imperial Guard Trojan tank conversion

A quick Monday night photo update of my latest project!
I seem to be flitting from various things in the army at the moment without actually finishing anything!

At present I am updating all my tanks with stowage and extra bits being painted. It's really making the old chimeras look a lot better so I'm very pleased.

This post however, is about a Trojan that I am converting after buying a chimera and raiding my bits box. The other day I decided to purchase the new 7th edition rule book. That shopping trip ended up with me buying a chimera and no rulebook. Something went horribly wrong... Or is that right?

I've built the mainstay and have various green stuff to add along with the final grabber or cable on the crane. Also I need to do rivets to keep it in line with the rest of the tank. Anyway here are the photos enjoy!

There is an icredible variety of IG bits from over the years on this tank, while you look at the picks, see if you can identify a few.

What I would love from you all is some feedback on how it looks so far and any suggestions you may have on what else to add or even remove. Additionally can anyone give me tips on how to make quick, easy and consistent rivets.



  1. I like the way it looks! My only suggestion would be seriously hard to do at this point. I can't tell if the rear has a slant to the section with the ladder...but I'd suggest angling it out slightly, so as to not present a flat surface for enemy rounds to impact against.

    1. Haha, you'd have thought the mechanicum priests would have thought about the flat surfaces! Let's say there is some kind of shielding to save me further work!

    2. Oooooh that's a great idea :)

  2. I’m not familiar with the Trojan at all, but what you’ve created thus far is bloody good.

    For rivets, have you tried taking a sharp blade to a brush bristle and slicing off rivets at whichever thickness you require?

    1. It can be taken as a transport for an enginseer as per the IA book. It can help repair stuff and gives a tank/artillery within 6" preferred enemy. Check out the original forgeworld tank, mine is based on that with lots of extra tech gubbins

  3. Nice looking tank. Dont you create rivets out of tooth picks?

    1. Tooth picks! Great idea. I will definitely give that a try.

  4. Nice looking tank. Dont you create rivets out of tooth picks?

  5. Looks brilliant. Im proud to say i recognise most of those bitz. I love the texture you have added through the wide use of extra bitz. Cant wait to see it painted. I like to make rivets out of fine plasticard rod. It can be sliced and filed very easily and is a constant thickness. Its easily accessable from hobby stores or even ebay.

  6. I love it, If I may make a suggestion or two. The lights about of the drivers. The hatch on top, do you plan on putting GS around the outside? I just looks like theres a few gaps to fill.

    As for Rivets, I would toothpics (unless plastic) would splinter when cutting them. If you have a Punch you make them pretty good with that, or I bought 1mm Plastic Rod from the local hobby shop, and cut it up. You could also roll out GS but I found that I got different size rivets that way.

    Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. lots of joints and bits to be greenstuffed yet. I'm doing ti in stages so I don't accidentally ruin it with my fingers!
      I think the plastic rod is probably the safest way to go, I will check it out!

  7. I think you are right with the tow hooks! Certainly needs a few more on the back doesn't it.

    I thought about a dozer blade, None of my tanks have them , but if I was going to put one on it should probably be on this tank! Maybe something more mine sweeping could be interesting.

  8. Oh my. So much conversion, so many bits, so much awesome! I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. Definitely plastic rod for the rivets. Converting a Trojan... brilliant idea.

    Still no 7th ed hey? How did that happen? It's not a bad edition. Muppet, the Lads and I have fallen into the 7th ed grove pretty well without too much angst. I think your armoured force will enjoy it.

    1. Just havent had the opportunity to play any games due to work and travel. That will most certainly change later this year in epic battle report style...

  9. Gads, I've been wanting to do a Trojan for years. Now I'm more stoaked than ever. I'll have to add it to the pill after knights, scions, conscripts, painting, artillery,...

    Ah, the Guard player's life :)

    1. Haha, keep on adding to that pile. Give the Trojan a whirl, its good fun trying to find a use for all the random bits you have accumulated from other guard kits.

  10. Look great.
    How do you make the crane?


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