Thursday, 29 May 2014

A little bit of what I've been working on...

Hey everyone, finally managed to get some hobby work done in the past few days. Some new highland guard conversions using the Scions are the current favourite project I'm working on.

Plenty of other irons in the fire and lots to post about in coming days and weeks, but I'll keep today's brief and let the photos do the talking...


  1. I completely dig those honor guard. Makes me wish I didn't enjoy the Armageddon models so much or I'd have to do similar. Can't wait to see the effects of a nice coat of paint on them.

  2. Oh very nice.
    One wonders, are those breastplates getting the shiny "Lifeguard" treatment?

  3. Scion Highlanders look very cool. I'm sure they have complaints on the lack of lower body armour though.... ;)

  4. Haha, I think the sporran must be bulletproof!

    Not sure how I will paint them yet. Tartan might be the same as the other highlanders, fatigues generally likely the same as rest of the army, and the armour... hmmm. nothing in my army is really shiny so probably dark brass colour like the old tin bitz perhaps.

    1. I can recommend VMC bronze with a brownish (think Delvan mud) wash over it. :)
      Most of my brasses get that

  5. Looking good. Its no fun if you don't have projects backing up.

  6. Verrrry cool! That's a great combo of bits, they look fantastic!

  7. Ditto what they other have said: a very groovy conversion!

  8. looks great!

  9. Thanks all, I'm pleased you like them. They are definitely my most steam punk to date with the fancy armour, all with goggles and and the mandatory pith helmet.

    They need a few bits of green stuff here and there, in particular their necks as the torsos dont work so well with the VL heads. All my other 'elite' (not in the force org sense) units have variations on the pith helmet with feathers, plumes etc so these guys will need something too. Probably a similar job to the highland vets.

  10. Ooooh, LOVELY! It all goes together so very well!

  11. I couldn't agree more, not enough kneeling guardsmen in the world! My army certainly seeks to rectify that.

    Thanks again all!

  12. Oh wow, those Ogryns are classy models.


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