Tuesday, 8 April 2014

A sucker for new toys...

A brief post just to let you all know that I have no will power.

It's been almost a year since I added anything at all to the IV Mechanised infantry. Unfortunately since July last year I've been absolutely swamped with real life and have been unable to pick up a paint brush or modelling knife. However two weeks tomorrow (23rd April) that should all change!

In anticipation of this welcomed advent of free time I have made some not inconsiderable purchases (particularly from Gravis over at Kirton Games). Unsurprisingly a great many of these come from the new wave of Guard miniatures that we have just seen released.

Reinforcements will include:
 3 Taurox (Yes 3, I really like the model and they will be the perfect transports for a company of light infantry, particularly as I have a few squads lacking transports at the moment!)
2 boxes of Scions, I wanted to get at least 10 guys. No idea how Praetorian I will make them at the moment, I'm thinking perhaps they would benefit from some of Victoria Lamb's lovely new style kilt legs.
1 Baneblade. This has been on the cards for ages, not sure which variant of the baneblade/shadowsword it will be yet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
1 Wyvern. I don't give a stuff if people think the rules are naff, I like the model and think it is a great addition to the army.
1 Codex. Clearly had to happen!
Also lots of bits from Victoria Lamb to help with any converting and customising. In particular so I can finally finish the second 5 of my converted DKOK Lifeguards.

In addition to the above I still have a platoon of Tallarns to paint up, another platoon of Praetorians, and some mortars. These infantry might necessitate even more Chimera and Taurox...

Should be a fun rest of the year!


  1. Apparently there's one born every minute.

    And you simply cannot go wrong with a classic Baneblade. It's just so very...beautiful. No other word for it.

    1. Haha, I think you might be right. Only question is how many sponsons... Perhaps all and make them detachable.

  2. 3 Taurox.....? Seriously? *sigh* Shame on you. :P

    Can't wait to see what you do with all these new additions.

    (I'm also a big fan of classic Baneblade too btw.)

    1. I think a lot of the problems with the Taurox have been from the photos and the awful colour schemes. I think the bluey colour GW have gone for with the Tempestus and the olive green for the Cadians are both pretty horrid. Just imagine it in my desert Khaki, well weathered and with suitably Praetorian freehand all over it, beautiful.

  3. Baneblade with the 4 side sponsons. 1 battle cannon, 1 demolisher cannon, 1 autocannon, 5 twin linked heavy bolters and 4 lascannons. Plus add on some heavy stubbers to the hatches and you've got one awesome model!

    I like the Wyvern, something a little different.

    1. That is a hell of a lot of guns! Difficult to say no to the draw of the baneblade!

  4. Reinforcements indeed! It's nice playing with some new Guard toys. I think you will really enjoy Taurox's, they are a nifty kit to work with. :)

  5. I'm certainly looking forward to getting to grips with them, I had a good look at your post on converting them and you've done a great job.

    Seems there are plenty of options with weapons mounted on a turret or the side etc.

  6. But...



    Hey, ignore us and our unreasonable prejudices - show us what a Taurox can look like.

    1. Haha, I like a challenge! I reckon I can paint the all in a sitting too

  7. So just a few things then!

    Finally got round to starting my own Praetorian Army. Someone has to up here (Dundee, Scotland).

    Look forward to seeing what wonders you work!

    1. Cheers Col Young! Watch this space...

      I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with yours!


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