Saturday, 18 October 2014

Finished Praetorian Taurox

Finished! That's right finished. I can't remember the last models I finished painting but finally we have two new additions to the army, a Taurox and a Taurox Prime!

This post will be very light in terms of words as I will let you (hopefully!) enjoy a load of photos. Any questions just post a comment. 

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Thanks for having a look!


  1. Looking good. Did you paint up the inside as well? If so do you have any pictures. Where will these fit into the grand scheme of your army.

    1. Sadly no insides. I have a third to paint and I was contemplating converting it up with an exposed back.

      The green and red is the 4th squad of the main platoon. There isn't a transport for 3rd squad yet, but 4 is easier to paint than 3 so I went for that!

      The red and white is for the Highland Scions.

      I do so enjoy painting the tanks, shame its such a pain in comparison doing the guardsmen!

  2. These look gorgeous! I love the 'cleanliness' of your vehicle painting - wonderful!

    1. Cheers Drax! Haha, 'cleanliness'? I thought I made them look rather worn!

    2. Hence the inverted commas: you manage even to do dirty clean!

  3. Nice. Are the markings on the right side of the cab freehanded?

    1. The Lion on black is the embossed design on the panel. The other side is all freehand. All the markings on my tanks are always freehand.

    2. Cool. I'm envious of your freehand skills. Mine always end up a bit shaky and too thickly painted.

    3. I think for the freehand its about planning, pencil and then paint.

      I always tend to practice drawing what I want a few times first and do so in the context of the armour plate I want to paint on. I'll draw the appropriate armour plate and them pay around with designs.

      Then its a matter of drawing in pencil on the tank. After that its time to paint, make sure the paints are really nice and thin and do it in stages. I make mistakes all the time and am not afraid to wipe off what I have painted straight away if I've messed up.

  4. great work ! I really like 'em

  5. If GW would have painted them like this they would have sold out! Great as always, Colonel. Thanks for the pictures.

    1. Haha, maybe you are right! I think the GW new guard is in a very bizarre colour scheme. I stand by my comments, the Taurox is a great kit!

  6. Fantastic work, man! Really dig how those turned out!

    1. Cheers! I'm trying to take inspiration from your industrious work rate, you've managed several armies in the time its taken me to get around to painting two tanks!

  7. Love the painting.

    Wish they had wheels instead of goofy tracks.

    1. I think some other manufacturers make wheel kits for them, I think with a half track they'd look fantastic.

    2. I've put the wheels up on Devos IV. It's not too late to retro-model your Tau Roxes.

  8. Such great work. Fantastic tauroxs!

  9. Fantastic work dude really like the tan, would u be able to confirm if it's Karak stone with a nuln oil wash to create the colour. Want to try and create a similar look on my russes

    1. The tan is -
      Xv88 base
      50-50 nuln oil reikland flesh shade
      Xv88 dry brush
      Balor brown dry brush
      Ushabti bone dry brush
      50-50 nuln/reikland

      With the washes paint them on rather than put loads of wash on, this is to avoid streaks or build ups. They tie the colours together well and give it a unform appearance.

  10. Very nice work, really like the subtle weathering.

  11. Very very nice as always, are you tempted by more now Vic's got the Wheel kit out?

    1. Tempted but I'm rather partial to the tracks! That said, I've not built the third taurox I bought yet...


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