Monday, 29 April 2013

Praetorian IV Mechanised and 4th foot on parade

Greetings all.

Welcome to the next post chronicling the Praetorian exploits at Vidar's fate campaign weekend. Now before we get to the actual weekend proper I have one more post for you all...

A combined forces photo shoot of Col Gravis 4th Praetorian Foot and my IV Mechanised Infantry!

I've been somewhat self indulgent and posted an awful lot of photos, but I thought better too many than not enough!

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Until the next post!

Thanks for having having a look!


  1. These are fantastic! I have a decent-sized Praetorian army myself but nothing this grand. I'm glad I stumbled across your blog tonight, I'm looking forward to reading your past posts and following your progress!

  2. A grand sight!

    You both are lucky fellows.

  3. Those are some the best looking armies out there, and seeing them together... Awesome!

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