Sunday, 28 October 2012

Finished Praetorian AT teams

Finally after having started these guys way back in May I have finally finished some much needed AT for the army. Orders will start being a lot more useful with these guys around!

Lets hope this recent activity continues for a while yet, there is a whole lot that needs painting! I think it's time to paint the Hydra and the Bombard...


  1. Beautiful, just beautiful. I especially like how you have used the new lascannons instead of the old school ones on wheels.

    And great painting as well. Keep it up dude, and may i suggest the bombard first?

    1. Thanks! Now you say new lascannons... those are the steel legion ones from a decade ago!

      You certainly may, Bombard it is...

  2. Decade? was it really that long ago? shit i remember when they 1st came out.
    Haha anyway i though it was the new plastic ones, didn't realise.

  3. Malduran: I know how you would say they are the new plastic one's as Col Winterborne has used the new plastic leg's. As the Steel Legion Lascannon crew are laying on the floor.

    Col: Love your new teams, any reason why you have gone for 2 Lascannons and 1 Missile Launcher? But I do need to knuckle down and get my AT teams done, as I am reliying on my tanks at the mo.

    1. Wrong again I'm afraid! Original steel legion legs too, the heavy bolters were lying down where as these guys were crouching down.

      I would have gone for three but sadly after rummaging through my old Praetorian bits box all those months ago I only had sufficient lascannons/crew to make 2 so the missile launcher got the nod for the 3rd team! My next heavy weapons teams will be a few mortars, I have no idea if they are really any good but I'm a big fan nonetheless!

    2. Ok so should we just assume everything you paint is old and metal to save time in the future? saves us looking silly you see.

  4. Love them. Always good to have an artillery outfit that's not crammed in a can. :)

  5. Cracking looking models yet again

  6. I agree with the others, they're looking pretty darn good. Looking forward to seeing your Mortars. They're not the greatest weapon but they are pretty damn cool!!

  7. Beautiful work, they will come in handy on the battlefield every battle!
    So what happened to their original ASL gunners? Are they still kicking around?
    As for mortars I really like them. They are really cheap and its easy to tuck them away on the battlefield and add more anti infantry fire power- but that might just be me.

  8. Cheers again for all the comments!

    I got the lascannons back in the day direct order so never got the crew! Those were the days, I used to love going through the catalogues getting all the random metal bits and pieces...

    I reckon you are right about the mortars, cheap and probably little more than annoying at best for the enemy but they are troops and add another target to weigh on their mind!


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