Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sunday update

Here are a few photos of the extra work I've done on the Highland Guard. The Sergeant has had his tartan painted (wanted to see if I could remember what I did first time round!)  and there has been a red element added to it which I think ties it in nicely with tthe rest of the model. My painting is currently suffering from lack of a proper light so I'm painting in pretty gloomy conditions! Not ideal. I've decided to do a bit of converting this evening instead as I light isn't quite so crucial.

There are 4 more to make the squad up to 10 who are just undercoated. If I can get these all done by next weekend I will be a happy man.


  1. Those really do look spectacular - top notch work on the plaid, that's a really tough scheme to pull off and you've done it brilliantly! Great work!

  2. Cheers, they are certainly going to be the most colourful bunch in the army! when I have painted these ten I am farily certain I will never want to paint a kilt again.

  3. Look brilliant, fantastic job, red in the kilt ties it all together for me, can't wait to see the whole squad done.

  4. yeah, these are cool. it really has set the bench mark for everyone's kilts. keep at it!


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