Saturday, 29 December 2012

A little something I've been working on...

Seasons greetings everyone!

It's been a rather hectic Christmas period but I have managed to find a few hours here and there to work on the latest addition to the my army.

Here is a sneak preview of the WIP Thunderbolt.


Lots still to be done but it is progressing very nicely. The underside is a sky blue colour (like RAF WW2 planes), there will be a few free hand insignias to be painted including a likely pin up girl on the engine cowl. The flyer has a scratch built base with a clear plastic rod for support which means it will sit much higher on the battlefield, while the base itself features a wrecked leman russ. The question there will be do I paint it like one of my tanks or a different scheme entirely.

My blogging has been rather sporadic of late but hopefully in the new year I'll find more time to post a load of great stuff.

I'm also thinking of revisiting a lot of my tanks next year with a view to adding lots of stowage, crates, jerry cans etc. to really add to that on campaign feel, possible even some more weathering using theses new fangled powders.

The plan is also to branch out a little bit so expect to see a few unexpected models in the near future. Also I'm embarking on a new project to run alongside the Praetorians, a White Scars force...

Watch this space!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Gaois Secondus Part 2 - Painting Competitions

Welcome to Part 2 of the Gaois Secondus report. In this post I will be taking you through lots of the miniatures entered into the various painting competitions.

How did I fare in these painting competitions? Well read on and you will find out.

The first load of entries below are from the various single miniature, engines, beasts and fortifications categories.

Feast your eyes on some of these beauties...


There were a fair amount of Heresy models that weekend and this one on the bike was particularly good, also note the awesome bloodthirster converted by a friend of mine on the right.


The poor Krieg Commissar is dwarfed in the land of converted daemon Princes.


My Aegis line and quadgun.


A really nicely painted and weathered storm eagle. This guys knows how to paint yellow.



If you've followed my blog before you will recognise this fellow!




Commissar Dave's Thunderbolt.


And now on to the nominated best armies. I got nominated and was up against some pretty stiff competition!

















And so who won? I managed to get best fortifications (competition for it wasn't the toughest) in the individual categories, with the Imperial Fists Storm Eagle winning the vehicle category.

And best army went to... drum roll... The Praetorian IV Mechanised Infantry!

It makes my army 2/2 at Warhammer World Events so far. There is still clearly a great deal of love for the pith helmeted warriors of Praetoria. They should be returning for Throne of Skulls in January where they will be united with the Praetorians of a little known sculptor and painter called Col. Gravis...

This post has been an indulgence in photos, be sure to catch the final instalment of the Gaois Secondus Posts when I give you a few battle reports and let you know if the army lived up to its best in show on the battlefield!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Gaois Secondus Part 1 - Praetorian's on parade

Now that the photo crisis of December 2012 has been resolved I can get back to doing what (hopefully!) I do best, and post some photos of Praetorian Imperial Guardsmen!

To kick of the upcoming series of posts about the exploits of the Praetorians at the campaign weekend  here are a collection of what I can only imagine is the largest gathering of Praetorians for a very long time.

Commissar Dave joined me at the campaign weekend and on the evening of day one we put our forces together for a big army photo. Roughly 7000 points of Praetorian Imperial Guard. It was truly a sight to behold. The red and khaki complimented each other perfectly and it made a couple of staunch Praetorian players a little bit emotional to see so many of them!














One year ago when starting out with this blog I never thought I'd end up with an army like this, or be taking photos of it stood next to Dave's. Absolutely brilliant.

Check out the next post when there will be lots of action shots of both mine and Dave's Praetorians (including a doubles game with me and Dave combining forces!)

Delayed transmissions from Gaois Secondus...

Hello everyone

I'd firstly like to apologise for the lack of posting this past week. Due to unforeseen technical difficulties (blogger was trying to cut me off because I'd reached my photo limit), and other distractions I've been delayed in posting anything about the glorious exploits of Praetoria at the Gaois Secondus Campaign weekend up in Nottingham.

What follows are a few pictures of the IV mechanised infantry assembled for the weekend. Lots more will hopefully follow (I think I've overcome the problem by using photobucket) in another post






Sunday, 25 November 2012

A sneak peak at the campaign weekend...

Back from Nottingham and finally back in a house with fully working internet! 

Unfortunately not enough time to craft a proper report on all the various goings on of the weekend, that will have to wait for later in the week ahead, but I am content to give you a sneak peak with a few of the 100+ photos I took over the weekend.

Unfortunately I have just been told that I have no space left for photos on my blog... very sorry about this. In the mean time I'd like to direct you to the warhammer world facebook page where there will be a rather large Praetorian treat waiting for you...

I'll try and sort this and make up for it with a post full of a sickening number photos!

Friday, 23 November 2012

Praetorian's make planetfall on Gaois Secondus!

Greetings everyone

A post of the most brief nature. I have just finished painting the bombard and now its time to head to Nottingham! (making their first ever appearance this weekend will be the heavy squad, hydra, bombard, The colonels dog and an aegis defence line with quad cannon.

Rather fittingly all the forgeworld purchases I made at Badab are now painted and will be returning to where they came from. I think it is time to make a few more forge world purchases... a thunderbolt for sure, but what else...

Finally internet in my home is up and running so there will be nothing stopping me inundating you all with photos of the my army (and Commissar Dave's!) when they take to field against the enemy.

I've yet to even write the army lists yet! I think it'll be a pen and paper job this evening.

Wish me luck!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Praetorians muster for campaign on Gaois Secundus

Greetings everyone

Apologise for the lack of activity in recent weeks. I've recently moved house and am still waiting for the rather slow Internet people to hook my house up! Consequently I'm limited to Internet on my phone which is not good for blogging!

Sadly this means no photos in this post as the iPhone doesn't seem to let me upload any directly. Anyway, I have just finished a hydra flak tank for my guard and am hoping to finish up a unit of 3 mortars and another command section for next weekend. The reason for that being I'm off to Nottingham again!

The planetary governor of Gaois Secondus sent a desperate plea for help to praetorian high command who duly responded. However they did not send merely one regiment but two! My army will be joining commissar dave's army up there and we will be teaming up for the doubles game, 4000 points of praetorian goodness.

I will take a whole load of photos when I'm up there so you will be able to see all the action when I get back (and have Internet finally sorted!). It's also my birthday next week so I might just treat myself to a large lump of resin up in Nottingham, I've always wanted a thunderbolt, but then again I've always wanted a marauder too...

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Finished Praetorian AT teams

Finally after having started these guys way back in May I have finally finished some much needed AT for the army. Orders will start being a lot more useful with these guys around!

Lets hope this recent activity continues for a while yet, there is a whole lot that needs painting! I think it's time to paint the Hydra and the Bombard...