Monday, 14 November 2011

Highland Guard Veterans Preview

As I mentioned previously I have quite a few projects on the go at the moment, without a doubt my favourite is a squad of Highland Guard Veterans! I've been meaning to do these ever since I first started collecting Praetorians, and now that I've finally had the chance I am very pleased. My work was made much easier by the glut of praetorian components now available from other hobbyists, the legs are Victoria Lamb (I'm still waiting for some standing legs to start the other 5 members of the squad), the head and torso Col. Gravis and the rest green stuff and stripped down plastic Imperial Guard bits.

Back in the day I had considered trying to convert some warhammer fantsy legs into kilts or trying to sculpt me own, so to be able to use ready made kilts is brilliant and saves a lot of work! My idea for this unit was to try and make them highland inspired while still obviously being Imperial Guard, I think it's quite easy to get carried away with the historical influence and end up with something quite removed from 40k.

So with this in mind I only added a few touches and changes; the plume on the side of the helmet will help to make the unit stand out and emphasis their veteran status (and hark back to the historical influence), the epaulettes and cuffs were vital as it really ties the whole Praetorian army together, and as it is movember after all I've been expanding the range of facial hair on display (particularly the colour sergeant Frank Bourne sideburns turning into a moustache from Zulu!).

Anyway enough talking, check out the pictures and let me know what you think!

Painting will be the next step for these 5 and I can't wait to try and paint some tartan. The uniforms will be khaki like the rest of the army and the tartan will based on the dark colours of the black watch...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely job, they really do make a characterful addition. I really must get on with working some more on my own versions, Victoria's legs really pen up a world of possibilities when it comes to Highland troops.


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